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COVID-19 Update
Summer 2022 Covid Health and Safety Protocols
The health and safety of our students and instructors are a top priority at the NYSPT. During our summer courses, we have instituted specific practices to ensure everybody's well-being. Please read the following carefully:
On the first day of each course, all students and instructors will take a rapid-test on-site before class begins. We request that students arrive 20-30 minutes early to take the test and review and sign our liability waiver so that we can start class at 9:30 am EST
Students are encouraged to bring their own test kits. However, we will provide them to anyone who needs one.
If the test results in a positive reading, the person will be unable to participate in the course.
If a person experiences any covid-like symptoms during the duration of the course, they will be asked to take another rapid test. If it is positive, the person will be unable to continue participation. If the test result is negative, the person will be asked to wear a mask for the rest of the course.
In general, mask wearing is optional and is the student's responsibility to bring their own.
Students who are enrolled in multiple courses will be required to test on the first day of each class.
Our training venue, Unison Arts Center, has good ventilation with ample windows and doors to the outdoors. Air conditioning is available if needed. Parts of classes may also be held outdoors.
We appreciate your help in creating a safe and fun learning environment for everyone!
May 13, 2021
All Summer 2021 classes will be online.
September 30, 2020
Due to the ongoing pandemic, all NYSPT Winter/Spring 2021 classes will be online.
June 15, 2020
We have decided to create an online learning option for all of the Summer/Fall courses (except Music). This means that if someone does not feel safe to travel to NY in October, they can join the October session online via Zoom. If it is not safe for any of us to travel or gather in October, we will all reconvene online. (We will be making that decision by September 1st.) As you probably know, Playback is an embodied applied theatre form best practiced in person, but this is the reality we are living right now, and we, Playback folks, are flexible and serve the moment!
May 22, 2020
We’ve made the decision to move our summer courses 2020 to a hybrid model. Part of our courses will be taught online in August and the other parts in-person on weekends in October. Our new schedule can be found below.
This hybrid model is an attempt to assuage people’s concerns of traveling and gathering in an enclosed space with a form where proximity to others is an essential part of the training. We recognize that by placing the in-person portions on the weekends, we lose the continuity students have enjoyed ending a course on one day and jumping into the next on the following day. However, by placing them on the weekend we hope it will allow for more people to take advantage of weekend courses. The Hudson Valley is gorgeous in the fall!
All online courses are on Fri/Sat/Sun from 11am-2pm ET
All in-person courses are on Sat & Sun from 9:30am-5:30pm ET
Core Training with Hannah Fox
Online: Jul 31, Aug 1 & 2
In-person: Oct 3 & 4
Active Conducting with Randy Mulder
Online: Aug 7, 8, 9
In-person: Oct 10 & 11
Inclusive Group with Jonathan Fox
Online: Aug 14, 15, 16
In-person: Oct 17 & 18
Note: This course has been expanded from 3 days to 4 days.
Music: The Mysterious Link with Jo Salas and Ann Belmont
In-person: Oct 24 & 25
Advanced Skills with Jo Salas
Online: Aug 21, 22, 23
In-person: Oct 30, 31 & Nov 1 (Fri, Sat, Sun)
During this health crisis we’ve had to draw upon our resources of creativity and flexibility, as have so many others. We appreciate your patience as we’ve navigated this path, and hope you’ll be able to join us as we enter a new frontier of Playback Theatre training and experiences together.
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